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Showing posts from November, 2018

Which R4 card can crack Nintendo Switch firmware 6.2.0?

Is there any R4 card working on Nintendo Switch firmware 6.2.0? R4 3ds, R4i gold or Sky3ds+ , which is the Nintendo Switch flashcard? If you have questions like them, you can find the answers in this article. Edit: R4s dongle can work on Switch firmware 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 already, more details can be check here . Is there any R4 card working on Nintendo Switch 6.2.0? Nintendo Switch latest firmware 6.2.0 came some days ago, this is not a Big update because no new features or functions are being added, but for the hacking scene, this system version is patching a lot of stuff. That is, all the custom firmwares, SX OS, Atmosphere, ReiNX, RajNX, and any other one are Broken on the newest Nintendo Switch V6.2.0. That's to say, because all the flashcarts which are being worked on the Switch, their major function is to boot CFW on the Nintendo Switch. If the CFW isn't working any more, they are useless too for hacking the Nintendo Switch console. So, no R4 or no flashcart is worki...

How to downgrade Switch firmware from V6.2.0 for Homebrew and CFW?

It's widely known the latest Nintendo Switch firmware 6.2.0 blocks All working CFW for the previous Switch system versions, so to any Switch CFW user, Don't update your Nintendo Switch console at least for now and if you already did it accidently, maybe you can find a Downgrade Guide here. Why the Nintendo Switch 6.2.0 blocks CFWs and is it  permanent? Per SciresM: hahahaha new fw changed key generation in a huge way anyway gonna be some effort to break. no cfw support for [however long it takes to crack] + [however long it takes to update] N did good. We're working on it. ETA is who knows, hopefully soon. It's not a certainty, something clever could be thought up at any time, but I would prepare yourself for potentially quite the wait, re: 6.2.0 key generation. Because on this new Switch update, there is a huge change on the Key generation, according to the famous Switch hacker SciresM, this change blocks our method for booting CFW o...

Where to buy the cheapest Stargate 3ds in USA/EU with Paypal and Local shipping?

Stargate 3ds which supports you to play both free DS and 3DS games is On Sale in many online stores, but which official seller offers the cheapest price, supports paypal payment and does the local shipping in USA and Europe, here you can get the answer. 2018 Stargate 3DS Official Resellers Authorized Seller Language and Shipment Price FR Site, ship from FR €93 EU Site ,ship from EU €39.99 FR Site, ship from FR €55 CN Site, ship from CN $34.95 US Site, ship from USA and EU $60.99 US Site, ship from USA $69.99 Which site sells the Stargate 3ds with the cheapest price? and, they are the cheapest Stargate 3ds resellers to buy this 3ds flash card. However, I go to both of the sites, and try to place a Stargate 3ds order, neither of them support sh...